NEWINDU Group brought its corporate family together on January 17th, 2025, for an enchanting annual banquet and awards ceremony at the prestigious JW Marriott Hotel in Shanghai. Under the theme "Embers Igniting the Prairie – Harnessing Strength for the Future," this event celebrated collective triumphs and heralded a promising future.
Guests enjoyed themed photo opportunities and a lively red envelope shower, igniting joy and anticipation. The evening unfolded with captivating performances like "Glimmering Star Stream" and departmental showcases including "APT" and "You've Got It Too." Notable highlights included the humorous skit "Heartfelt Signal" and the energetic dance "Stomp (Thunder)" by the Logistics Team.
A digital voting system engaged attendees in selecting the "Top Ten Performances," encouraging participation and recognition. Awards highlighted individual contributions. Dinner was a culinary journey through classic Chinese cuisine, leaving a lasting impression.
Reflecting on the milestones achieved in 2024, this gala marks the transition into 2025. With hearts full of gratitude and minds set on new horizons, Rich Legion looks forward to crafting another year of remarkable achievements.
In these celebrations, the themes of unity, recognition, and looking forward to a bright future were central. Each Legion, whether it be the Galaxy Legion, Super Legion, or Rich Legion, demonstrated its strength and commitment to achieving success in the coming year.